Monday, December 5, 2011

2 months of Bootcamp

So, I have been lazy and I have not been posting on my blog.  So, here is my 2 month update.

I have been going to Boot Camp, 3 times a week, for about 2 months.  (but, I did take about a week and a half off in Nov. for vacation and Thanksgiving).  I really, really enjoy going to boot camp.  I like that it is a different routine each day.  Always a new challenge! 

Here's, my new stats:
Weight: Avg-127.5  (low: 126.5 high: 129.5-it fluctuates daily)
Pant size: 0/2/4 (mostly 2's, but I am back into my zeros)

For the first month, I was really good about my diet.  In order to stay on my diet, I had to plan my week in advance. Cut fruit/veggies on Sunday, make up snack bags for easy snacking. And like I said, I was good for about a month.  Then temptation and boredom rolled in.  I was getting tired of eating carrots, chicken, turkey roll-ups, etc... So, I let myself cheat more and more, and now, I'm not really on a diet.  I just try to eat smaller portions, drink lots of water, and no pop. 
My new plan! I have 8 months until the wedding.  I'm going to do my best at working out (3-4 times a week) and eating reasonably, but not limiting myself.  Then, in the Spring, around April, really kick the diet into high gear! 

Photo shows a slow progression.  This photo was taken on Dec. 3rd, 2 months after the first photo. 

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